Unique Curaçao Foundation
The first activity of the working group was to map out the special places and attractions of Curaçao and publish them by means of slides, photos and information folders.
The subsequent activities as a working group were organizing photo exhibitions and excursions. This showed Curaçao as a unique place. The emphasis has shifted from promoting foreign tourism to local recreation. This under the motto Konosé bo isla.
Work was started to improve the quality of life on Curaçao. Attention for tourism was focused on sustainability and its development, work was also done in the district, and on education, environment, nature and culture projects.
A recurring challenge of the foundation and volunteer work is that new and more volunteers/employees are needed on a regular basis. Stichting Uniek Curaçao has many sectors in which different activities are carried out. Be welcome to participate in the various activities.
Companies and individuals can support with material and/or financial contributions. The more support, the more the foundation can achieve
We are looking for
Volunteers on site
Desired donations
Bank transfer
Building material
Volunteer work
Donation Information
In the name of: Stichting Uniek Curaçao
Bank: Maduro & Curiel's Bank NV Curacao
Description: “Donation” (with any specification what the donation is for is)